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Full Moon May 2024

The Ever-Changing Moon

Lunar Phases and Their Significance

The Dance of the Moon

The Moon, our celestial companion, undergoes a captivating transformation throughout its monthly cycle. As it orbits Earth, different parts of its illuminated face become visible to us, creating a mesmerizing array of lunar phases.

From Crescent to Full

Beginning as a slender crescent, the Moon gradually waxes, becoming a radiant full moon when its entire face is bathed in sunlight. As it continues its journey, the Moon wanes, transitioning back into a crescent before disappearing into darkness for a brief period.

The Strawberry Moon and Beyond

In 2024, the Strawberry Moon, named for the ripening of strawberries, will grace the night sky on June 21st at 9:08 pm ET. For astronomy enthusiasts and observers alike, the Moon phase calendar provides precise timings of lunar phases for various locations and years.

Throughout the year, the Moon's phases offer a unique celestial spectacle. From the ethereal glow of the new moon to the dramatic silhouettes of the crescent and full moon, the Moon's dance continues to captivate and inspire.
